Bhavesh Suhagia

Bhavesh Suhagia

A research/software engineer who is passionate about building smarter and safer AI.
Research Engineer at AQR Capital
location markerGreenwich, CT

desired roles

  • Research EngineerMid Level
  • Machine Learning EngineerMid Level

work type

Full time

Machine Learning
Data Analysis
Computer vision
Deep Learning

work experiences

Research Engineer
July 2017 - present
AQR Capital, Greenwich
Software EngineerAugust 2016 - July 2017
American Express, New York
Developing and testing microservices for a commercial platform using Java Developed a Java based web-application for automatic form completion using OCR


Nanodegree Program, Self Driving Nanodegree
March 2017 - present
Bachelor, Computer Science
May 2016
Georgia Institute of Technology


project screenshot
Use Deep Learning to Clone Driving Behavior
Deep Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks

Designed a convolutional neural network for end-to-end driving using TensorFlow/Keras. Used optimization techniques such as regularization and augmentation techniques to generalize the network to drive on multiple tracks.

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project screenshot
Finding Lane Lines on the Road
Computer Vision

Build a computer vision pipeline to detect highway lane lines given real-world image. Used OpenCV library to perform image analysis techniques including Hough Transforms and Canny edge detection to complete the task. The pipeline was then tested on a real-world video sequence

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project screenshot
Stock Clustering

Collected and preprocessed S&P 500 stock data from 2010 - 2015 using R library quandmod. Built various clustering methods such as k-means and hierarchical methods to group stocks into different buckets which represented the volatility of the stock index.

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project screenshot
Sentiment Analysis

Analyzed Amazon text reviews and extracted relevant features using LDA method to discover latent structures and vectorize the raw text. These features were then used to build a sentiment classifier using Naive Bayes in Python. Finally, created a visualization dashboard to display results using Shiny (R).

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